Online Music Promotion

Need Merch or Artwork?

E-Commerce Band or Record Label Web Sites, Album Artwork, Band Logos, Show Posters, T-Shirt Designs, and more. We Got You Covered.

With So Many Sites to Choose From,

Promoting Your Music Online Can Be Overwhelming.

We Have Years of Experience in The Industry,

Let Us Do It For You.

We Get You On The Right Sites

Are you the type that just wants to make music, and not waste your time uploading it to 2,000 websites so people will listen to it and buy it? Well we understand. We worked in the music industry for years, and even owned our own record label for awhile. We know how to get your music where it needs to be online, and do it quickly and efficiently, so you can focus on your next Big Hit. Let us get your music catalog scattered all over the internet, and available to people not just in your country, but in almost every country around the world. That is alot of listeners! While we are at it, we can create or update your bands logo, help you with a promotional campaign, bust out some Album Artwork, or whatever else your Musical Self might need. Let us use our experience to help you place and promote your music online! If you are interested in getting our help getting your music online or promoting it Contact Us using the form below Now.

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